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As a part of our mandate, NMEC conducts baseline studies. These studies are intended to compile relevant data on Non-Formal and Vocational Education and other related materials within the country that would serve as the basis for eradication of illiteracy for National Development.

List of Research

  • Analyze approaches to address literacy in multilingual contexts in Nigeria and elsewhere, and develop proposals/guidelines on how to improve quality of Adult Literacy Programmes in Multilingual contexts (including Quality Assurance Tools) by Dr. K. O. Ojokheta
  • Analyze the existing Training Strategies at State and Local levels, analyze strategies in other countries, and come up with a proposal for Nigeria by Mr. John Edeh O.
  • Review existing Training of Trainers modules/materials available in Nigeria and elsewhere, to develop a proposal and/or guideline on how to improve them by Hassana Batagarawa.
  • Analyze existing information on Learning Need, analyze experience from other countries how learning Needs are determined; and prepare a proposal for a Baseline Survey by Rose Alugbere.
  • Analyze existing research in adult literacy and education and come up with a research agenda for Nigeria by Hadiza Usman Isa.
  • Prepare a concept and strategy for the library to be established at NMEC to facilitate research (this may include some guidelines for state resource centres to establish or improve their libraries) by Dr. (Mrs) Chinwe Anibueze.
  • Analyze the potential of public-private partnership, review also good practice and come up with related recommendations (proposal for regulatory framework). This could also focus universities, tertiary education institutions and research institutions, how can synergies be created by Mr. Vincent Nemieboka.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Analyze monitoring and evaluation systems and practices in Nigeria and elsewhere and propose operational guidelines by Dr. Matthew Onu.
  • Analyze existing equivalency programme curricula and make a draft proposal for a curriculum framework for a national equivalency programme (Adult Basic Education Programme equivalent to formal general or compulsory education) by Alhaji Dalhatu.
  • Development of an equivalency system. Analyze national and international experiences on the elaboration of national equivalency systems, and arrive at a concept/proposal for Nigeria by Alhaji Alkammu Abubakar.
  • Global Literacy Challenge
  • Girl Child Education in Africa
  • Adult Literacy Development and Economic Growth
  • The Economic and Social Cost of Illiteracy
  • The Global Literacy Challenge