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Visit News Page to view the laudable achievements of the Commission commendably culminated in reducing illiteracy rate from 38% to 31% during Professor Akpama, Simon Ibor’s tenure.
NMEC eradicates illiteracy and provide Non – Formal and Continue Education within the context of Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development.
Interested reputable contractors and Service providers who wish to work for NMEC must have necessary competencies.
Our Projects
Revitalization of Adult & Youth Literacy
The government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is committed to achieving...
Rural Facilitator Scheme
This is a Programme in which NMEC supports Mass Literacy delivery in rural areas.
Vocational and Continuing Education
The Vocational and Continuing Education has a mandate of carrying out vocational training needs assessment of centres with the intent to procure right.
The National Commission For Mass Literacy Adult & Non-Formal Education partners with Government ministries, agencies, parastatals and Non-Governmental Organisations both local and international to carry our its mandate in the fight against illiteracy.